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Waiting management systems

gestione delle attese
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For a service provider such as a bank branch or a hospital, user satisfaction plays a fundamental role, especially in the moments that involve the formation of queues at the counters and their management.

Metropolis has developed a waiting management system that uses easy and intuitive touchscreen totems and summary monitors that entertain waiting users.

The queue elimination system allows the management of queues at multiple levels: users who collect the ticket, for example for the acceptance of a hospital CUP, can then be directed to the clinic with the same number.

The management systems of waiting at the counters can be used for queues of any work structure, their operation is based on the web, in some cases not requiring software installation.

Through queue management, the powerful reporting system will then allow managers to evaluate the service by analyzing the service times user by user.


Sportello Punto Giallo PGKL-A

Sturdy structure made of steel sheet, compact and self-supporting, without impact on the destination rooms and prepared for an anchoring system on the floor.

Ergonomic design for handicapped people (compliant with regulations aimed at eliminating architectural barriers and ADA guidelines).

  • 21 "touchscreen monitor

  • Card Reader (CNS, TEAM, CF, etc.)

  • Barcode reader

  • Thermal printers in 80mm format.


Monitors of various sizes connected to the waiting management system to display both the scrolling of the queue and information of the Organization / news.

gestione code sportelli

To eliminate the queues at the counters, contact us!

Leave us your references,
we will contact you as soon as possible!


Via Mario Idiomi, 3/4 - 20090 ASSAGO (MI)
VAT number IT10368880158


Tel. 02-45713600

Whatsapp. +39 3496326961

Fax. 02-45713517


Demo via Skype. puntogiallo-metropolis

Punto Giallo is the registered trademark owned by Metropolis srl

Metropolis S.r.l_
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